Thank you for purchasing RF Viewer Spectrum Analyzer — we appreciate and value your business.
For installation instructions we encourage you to visit the web page at:
The installation procedure likely differs from what you may be familiar with compared to other products. If the software driver for the wireless USB dongle does not get properly installed the first time then it is not the end of the world — it just means it will be necessary to resort to using Windows’ Device Manager to clean things up and start over. Here is a link to a page for testing and / or reinstalling the device driver:
RF Viewer is a hardware + software product. The hardware portion is a DVB-T dongle based on the Realtek RTL2832U chipset, similar to the one you’ve just received in this package. The software portion – either Touchstone-Pro or Clear Waves can be downloaded from our website. The web page includes links for downloading the software – Touchstone-Pro or Clear Waves, depending on which RF Viewer package you purchased.
If you run into any problems or have questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us. We feel the RF Viewer / RF spectrum analyzer is a remarkable tool whose performance-to-cost ratio is unmatched. It is important to us you be able to use it successfully and benefit from its unique features.
Again, thanks for your purchase. Regards,
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