WifiMETRIX -- Low-cost, Handheld, Dual-Band, Wi-Fi Channel Analyzer
The Tool Of Choice For Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Networks And Selecting The Best Channel -- Only $395 USD
DFS Testing / Radar Simulation
Quantify And Predict Throughput Performance Of Each Wi-Fi Channel
Simulate Interference And Wi-Fi Congestion
WifiMETRIX is a new type of diagnostic tool that uses a 6 GHz radio module to simulate radar pulses and a dual-band Wi-Fi chip to monitor and troubleshoot Wi-Fi networks. It implements three important features -- DFS testing (patent pending), AirHORN and WifiPROBE (patented). The 6 GHz radio module has been programmed to simulate radar patterns (DFS testing), and the built-in Wi-Fi chip can perform both signal generation (AirHORN) and throughput diagnostics (WifiPROBE) on each channel.

Rational Waves -- RF Spectrum Analyzer Software
Supports A Variety of RF Spectrum Analyzers -- Only $79 USD
Rational Waves software turns data collected from a variety of low-cost spectrum analyzers into highly graphical charts and displays, enabling users to more readily visualize the RF environment, monitor RF signals, troubleshoot RF issues, and detect sources of RF interference. RF analyzers currently supported include RF Explorer, RTLSDR, ADALM-Pluto, Signal Hound, and HackRF.
RF Explorer -- Handheld / Portable RF Spectrum Analyzer
The Latest Breakthrough Device In Low-Cost, RF Spectrum Analysis
RF Explorer operates both as a standalone, handheld RF spectrum analyzer and also interfaces with a PC running more sophisticated data analysis software. There are several models in the RF Explorer series of RF spectrum analyzers that span different frequency ranges — from 50 KHz up to 6100 MHz. Don’t let the price fool you — the performance of these small, affordable instruments compares favorably to more expensive and bulky test equipment. Prices begin at only $129 USD.
RF Explorer